Mental Health Crisis Resources

If you or someone you know is currently involved in a serious crisis, please call 911 to connect with local emergency services that can help to resolve the situation.

When you call 911 for assistance with someone having a mental health crisis or a behavioral health crisis, inform the dispatcher that the person in need has mental health symptoms and ask for a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) officer with mental health training.

National Crisis Hotlines

Crisis hotlines provide immediate support for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or hopeless and needs support to get through a difficult time. It is important to know that there are resources available to help if you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis.

National Crisis Hotlines (Open 24/7, 365 days a year)

Text and Chat-based Crisis Hotlines Options

What is a Mental Health Crisis Hotline?

A mental health crisis hotline provides free, immediate support to people in crisis via a phone number, chat room, or SMS-based service. Crisis hotlines are typically staffed by trained volunteers who provide emotional and educational support.

The content of hotline conversations is confidential. Safety, however, is the number one priority. Volunteers may refer callers to a local organization or licensed social worker for further assistance and, in cases when a caller is in immediate danger, may dispatch local services.

How can calling a hotline help in a crisis?

If you need assistance or resources, crisis hotlines can help people find local or national resources for people experiencing a crisis situation. Most crisis hotlines are open 24/7 and can provide support in multiple languages.